داستان آبیدیک

transderivational search


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: جستجوی اشتقاقی

c) By having an individual exaggerate some small portion of the strategy available to them, you will assist that person in accessing the rest of the strategy through the process of transderivational search. We have discussed the transderivational search in detail in Patterns I and II. For example, a client who was bothered by constant feelings of intense jealousy was assisted through the authors' use of transderivational search to go back in time and to recover full 4-tuple experiences in which he had had that same "jealous feeling." In the example presented in the previous paragraph, the kinesthetic component (Ki) was a key step in the client's jealousy strategy, and by asking him to exaggerate it, the authors initiated a transderivational search to experiences in his personal history where the strategy was employed before. The process of transderivational search is, of course, constantly operating in the ongoing experience of all people.

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